social networks

all the social network pages have been created and populated with the generated profile pic, a fictitious flyer header (where possible) and a few of the images from past weeks.

Also finished the second short video - based on the GAN generated scene. this time I’ve tried to simulate a ‘hand-held’ feel to the footage, follwing the idea of these being real spaces. Plastered it with grungy effects though, so it clearly has the ‘teenage game-geek messing about with sci-fi filters’ look to it.

GAN imagery

trying out Genral Adversarial Network image creation. GAN’s are basically what’re used when we hear of ‘artifical intelligence’. From medical, call-centres(!) to chess, they’re now being trained to produce ‘realistic’ portraits, art, and imagery

i deciede to use one of the systems to create a profile pic for the blind Jonas pages.

Jonas Rey

Jonas Rey

also been trying out their effectivness in creating fictional landacapes and scenes

fictional AI generated scene

fictional AI generated scene

I intend to use this to create a video animation, in line with the idea of bringing life to forgotten or non-existent places

diabolical liberties

looking into the London based creatives that became infamous following an ASBO ruling against their marketing practice - flyposting around the Camden area.


All very edgy and arty - my kind of thing although slightly before my time, me being something of a late starter. I assumed the outfit was something of a flash in the pan - small-time angsty-art students that had since settled into the day-job. I was very wrong.


After a wrong turn into a dub music duo (who I’m still not totally certain aren’t connected), it turns out that founder Tim Horrox is something of a campaign heavyweight, with several advertising and creative-solution consultancies under his wing. Definite proof that creative and commercial success doesn’t mean selling out.

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metaHuman1 - video hosting site tests

testing out different video hosting sites, Vimeo, YouTube, even trying embed data from my personal OneDrive spacee.

Mixed bag of results, some of which can be seen here. Best one so far is Wistia, the stubling block being the three video limit unless you pay the pricey subs…

fictional artists

expanding on the concept of re-imagined places, and influenced by my recent forays into AI generated artwork, I’ve decided to create a completely ficticious artist persona space.

the hackneyed idea of ‘anagram of your real name’ came up with ‘blind Jonas Rey’, which struck a chord with me and so has now become the artist behind new facebook, twitter, instagram, and vimeo accounts.

After some troiuble with facebook, who quickly twigged-on I was trying to join under a pseduonym, I’ve manged to create a ‘buisness page’ via a discrete personal account using my real details, but which will never be used - the idea being that all networking will be done via the blind Jonas page.

Mike Tyka

researching for another project on computer genertated images and came across this programmer who’s experimenting in GAN/AI portraits. The code produces portraits, and sometimes ‘photos’ of imaginary people; fits in with my idea of ‘fictional spaces’, and so gets a mention here

Fictional Flier...

or is it flyer? Both look wierd.

The fierst in hopefully a series of fliers promoting non-existant exhibitions in reimagined places. Contains the coordinates of the actual place the sequence is based on. So real in some senses…


jimmy Cauty

thinking about the mailbox theatre reminded me of a curious art/container/exhibit that once materialised outside the local mueseum and stayed for a number of weeks - a fullsized shipping container with numerous round peepholes cut into it. At the time I didn’t join the gulible crowd surrounding it, so never did find out what was in it.


turns out it was part of a nationwide traveliing exhibition, conceived and developed by artist Jimmy Cauty and London based galery/workshop L-13.

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turns out too, that Cauty drew the ‘famous’ lord of the Rings Athena poster that adorned many a geeks bedroom wall (like mine) in the early 80’s. And was a part of the electronic sound outfit KLF. starnge to think that I’ve been aware of all these for years, and never put them together.


GIF version of the video - to get araound the branding and controls of hosted video files.

Below is information of the actual gas-station.

35.233090013225144, -100.60122565023202

I-40BL, McLean, TX 79057, United States

Moonlight Mobile Theatre

Looking for alternatives to the VR/AR exhibiton platforms that we're awash with thses days. Came across the ‘mailbox’ theatre - a name which conjures up notions of performances not too far, figuratively or literally, from the kitchen sink . The reality is probably much different, and likely more interesting than you’d expect…

“We intentionally created small holes and slots resembling mailbox slots,” said Nobuyoshi Asai, the theatre’s artistic director and choreographer, explaining how limiting the scope of viewing allows the audience to become more absorbed in the perfor…

“We intentionally created small holes and slots resembling mailbox slots,” said Nobuyoshi Asai, the theatre’s artistic director and choreographer, explaining how limiting the scope of viewing allows the audience to become more absorbed in the performance.


Looks to be a brilliantly creative solution to the problems of a socially distanced audience. One which ot only addresses the problem, but which adds immensly to the viwer expericence. the boothes could easliy have a perspec screen rather than mailbox slots and peepholes, and would have provided a completely differnt, more mundane, and argualbly less singualr experience.

the whole idea ties in with with my own interests of views, framing, and stageing of a given scene (hinted at in earlier posts). It also reminded me a curious installation in Stoke. One which, at the time, I avoided lest it be an elaborate prank.


…the miniature model village set somewhere in Bedfordshire, where only the police and media teams remain in an otherwise deserted, wrecked and dislocated land.

The huge crate – known as ‘The Aftermath Dislocation Principle (ADP)’ – is located outside the gallery, on Broad Street, next to the Potteries Museum & Art Gallery. Huge in size, with an array of strange noises, and a mass of graffiti that responds to each of the 36 historical riot sites that it visits, it’ll reach its final destination in Bedford on Christmas Day.

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‘The Aftermath Dislocation Principle (ADP)’


Jimmy Cauty’s Aftermath Dislocation Principle

remember me

bringing ‘life’, and another view, of potentially forgotten places and spaces. An old gas station in McLean, Texas (400 miles west of Paris, an isolated square of inhabitance on the map), home of the Devil’s Rope museum)

Anaglyph and threshold GIF versions. The anaglyph, reminiscent of those ill-fated 70’s 3D movies, has an aesthetic all of its own.

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original image from Jasperdo.